Sunday, July 8, 2007


We have been focused on parables for the summer.  John Welch kicked off the series by defining parables.  

Mike Yates presented the Parables of the Kingdom of Heaven.  Those are the Parabel of the sower, parable of the tares among wheat, parable of the mustard seed, parable of the leaven, parables of the hidden treasure, and parable of the costly pearl.

Mission: Possible

I don't know about you but I needed that message from Bob this morning.

Here are my notes from the two sermons on Mission: Possible form Daniel 2: 1-24

No matter what we face in life, financial crises, cancer, death, painful marriage, habitual sin, God has a plan to see us through and this passages helps us put our hearts in the right frame to be successful in whatever situation.

Choose to accept your mission with.....

1. Honest realism. Admit that problem is bigger and I don't have resources and need His help.
2. Patient understanding. V. 10 the astrologers are panicked. Daniel has deep discernment of what to do and the way around the crises.
(Week 2) see v. 14 Don’t run "old tapes" in your head. Do "new tapes" of the Gospel. Use power of the Holy Spirit to develop God's values in our lives.
3. Bold faith. Daniel goes in to request time with the king before he knows the interpretation of the dream. See v. 16.
4. Courageous initiative. Are we risk averse? Embrace risk. Will evil triumph? There is always a way out!! Daniel took risks. Are we playing not to loose or are we playing to win? Be willing to make big mold mistakes. See v 18 for courage of Daniel.
5. Enlisted community. V. 17. Daniel enlisted help. See Ecc. 4:9
6. Constant Prayer. God has not called us to have it together. He has called us to be incredibly bold in prayer. If your Private prayer life is not great. Learn to pray by being involved in corporate prayer. Daniel calls friends to pray. He was thrown to lions because he prayed in private but was noticed by authorities.
7. Visionary worship. Seeking God in worship weeks the soul and fertilizes the heart. Praise God for His greatness. Give Him thanks for His generosity.