Sunday, August 26, 2007

Galatians Study - Lesson Two

Ambassador vs. Anathema


Galatians 1:1-12

August 26, 2007

Tyndale Class


Reviewing Paul's Conversion

Acts 9:1-9,17-22


-          Saul leads the parade of relative moralism and ceremonial law keeping

-          Associated with the Sanhedrin and courts of the High Priest

-          Paul was arrested by Grace in the midst of his persecution

-          Christ left him in darkness in part to expand the margins of his self examination having seen the Son of God

o   Paul's entire world was crashing down

o   God left him in darkness to prepare for the light

o   His apostleship was an experience of complete brokenness followed by divine calling to truth, redemptive love and a missional perspective toward the Gentiles

-          How is our conversion like that of Paul?

-          How is our sanctification accomplished in similar ways?



Paul The Apostle


-          Why does he start out with this claim and is it valid?

o   I Corinthians 9:1

-          Is his statement tinged with positional pride or arrogance?

o   I Corinthians 15:9

-          What is the role of the apostle in the early church?

o   I Corinthians 3:10-11



Grace And Peace – More Than Words – Romans 5:1-5



What do we know of the boundaries of Grace?

o   What can be added to it and it still retain its meaning

o   What limit's of God's grace

o   How does God administer Grace to his people?

§  Positionally

§  Conditionally


o   Where is the conflict?

o   What had to be accomplished to establish peace?

o   Is it a fragile peace?   Why or why not?



Sola Gratia – No Other Gospel


            Who initiates the work of salvation in a believer's life?

o   Romans 4:4-8

o   Justification "Just as if I never sinned….just as if I always did everything right"

o   Romans 8:28-30 – It is GOD alone who changes a heart

o   Even if angels suggested work that could be added to satisfy God's requirement

o   Where do we find a sort of "angel" that tempts us to seek to add to the work of God through Christ?

o   Sanctification – God's work of assimilation of our hearts/minds as new citizens of a foreign country – the new heaven and new earth

o   Why do we listen to voices that tell us:

§  You just need more discipline and you conquer your ______ problem…

§  You just don't take sin serious enough, you need to recognize that God is losing patience and has His limits……

§  If you read some more Christian books on the topic….


Paul gives the agitators no quarter

o   Philippians 3:2-4

o   The Greek word he uses in Galatians 1:8&9 is "anathema" which is the embodiment of a curse

o   Why does Paul make such a big deal about it?


No wide gate or easy road

o   Paul makes clear that he is not dumbing down the requirements for salvation to expand his group of followers



Paul's Words As Spoken To OMPC


            Where would he challenge our minds/hearts in this area?


            What is the most popular "alternative gospel" in your life this week?



Sunday, August 19, 2007

Galatians Overview

Hallmark Epistle of Grace

I. What are the key themes of this book?

a. Justification by faith in Christ’s work has been the hope of all true Israel from Abraham until the time of the books writing

b. The law is powerless to save or to contribute anything to eternal hope

c. There can be no alternative or gray area to this truth – nothing can be added

d. We have a rich inheritance as Sons of God if we are united to Him – It is position in Christ vs. condition of our immediate circumstances.

e. The Spirit works with our spirit to deepen our sense of identity as citizens of a new heaven and earth and to break us free of the flesh

II. Who is Paul at the time of this writing

a. Well known leader for taking gospel to the Gentiles (1:16)

b. Former Pharisee and tormentor of the church (1:13)

c. Passionate apostle of Christ – not of other apostles (1:1)

III. Why did the zealots challenge Paul

a. They saw him as a threat to their sense of control on Christians in these churches so they tried to cast him as a renegade apostle

b. They were trying to “raise the bar” on first century Gentile Christians under pressure from Jewish groups in Judea who were becoming more intolerant of contact between Jews and Greeks.

IV. When was the book written

a. Many scholars think it was written to the southern Galatians and this would be shortly after his first missionary journey

b. Some scholars believe it was written to the northern provinces of Galatians and that would put it during or at the end of his third missionary journey (AD 54 or 55).

V. What are the similarities between the Galatians and OMPC

a. We struggle with the flesh that pushes an agenda of self centeredness and self sufficiency

b. Traditions and familiar customs cloud our understanding of Christ’s power

c. Key doctrines are key to our understanding and will be:

i. Gospel

ii. Justification

iii. Adoption

iv. Freedom

v. Grace

vi. Sovereignty