Thursday, June 18, 2009

True Spirituality

From: Robert Flayhart []
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 8:28 AM

We had such a great discussion in our mentoring group this morning studying True Spirituality by Francis Schaeffer Chapter 6, and it is so packed with nuggets, I thought I'd summarize in writing what we much for myself as for y'all!!

1. Because of the Fall we wake up each morning in an ABNORMAL world.
We shouldn't be surprised when we face "thorns and thistles and weeds" in our relationships and tasks.

2. The victory over sin has already been decisively achieved, though we don't see the full extent of the results yet. We are to live to bring the reality of the victory and the power of the Kingdom into our day TODAY! Eternal life is not some far off place of another time, it begins at our conversion is to reform and redeem all of the spheres of influence we walk in.

3. The Christian life is not only true but supernatural. We touch the supernatural and are transformed by the supernatural as we live by faith. Christ is formed in us the same way the Physical Christ was formed in the Virgin we believe the Word, the Promise, of God. Luke 1:38: Be it done TO me according to Your word. When we face sin we are to feel as helpless as Mary in conceiving her Child on her own...she could not do was a HUMAN IMPOSSIBILITY...but what is impossible with man is possible with God. He calls into being that which was not, like He did at creation, by the Word of His Power...that is HOW the Christian life works! He calls into being spiritual fruit and supernatural change that we can not bring about by all our efforts and strategies.

4. A critical element to faith is latching hold continually to the promise of JUSTIFICATION. We are to live moment-by-moment in the reality of our justified standing: God, sitting behind the Legal Bench, is both Judge, Jury and Prosecutor. We ARE ALL guilty, both through Adam's sin and our own sins. We have no defense of our own. We are hopeless. Christ enters the courtroom as our Defense Attorney and pleads His own obedient life and death as our Proxy and Substitute. God then bangs the gavel and DECLARES us not guilty. But more than that, The Father does what no earthly judge can ever do: He not only declares us NOT GUILTY, He declares us PERFECT, SPOTLESS, BLAMELESS and HOLY in His sight. We are declared as PERFECTLY RIGHTEOUS as Jesus Himself. Christ's perfect RECORD of obedience legally becomes OUR VERY OWN record before God! See the Heidelburg Catechism Question 60.

5. A second critical element for faith to cling to is the promise of ADOPTION. Christ is uniquely The Son of God. He is the Second Person of the Trinity...He is God Himself. Yet, through union with Christ by Spirit baptism by grace through faith, EVERY believer becomes a child of God, an adopted son or daughter...with ALL the same rights, privilege, standing before the Father AS CHRIST HIMSELF. Because of union with Christ, the baptismal pronouncement over Christ, "This is My Beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased," becomes the Father's declaration over every believer in Christ!!

6. As we BELIEVE in Christ and the Gospel Promises of JUSTIFICATION and ADOPTION, we are transformed supernaturally by the Spirit of God. It is by GRACE experienced through FAITH in the Gospel Promises that the Holy Spirit transforms our lives. When we believe God's promise of our justification and adoption when we FEEL we LEAST DESERVE to believe it, that is precisely when the power of the Spirit most fully falls upon our lives. Again, keep in mind Luke 1:38--"Be it done TO me according to Your Word."

7. A third critical element for faith to cling to is the promise of REGENERATION. We are born again by God's Spirit. According to the Old Testament promise in Ezekiel 36:25-29, God will cleanse us from all our idols, He will sprinkle clean water on us (symbolized by New Testament
baptism) He will give us a new heart and put a new spirit within us. He will removed from us the heart of stone (symbolized by Old Testament circumcision) and give us a soft heart toward Him. He will put His Spirit within us and CAUSE us to walk in His commands!! That is regeneration....the supernatural removal of the Old Man in Adam and making us new creations, new creatures in Christ. With new natures, new hearts and a New Spirit, we are now ABLE to say no to sin and yes to we walk by faith in the Gospel Promises. We are now responsible...response-able.

8. Sanctification occurs much the same way conversion grace through faith. Even our Doctrinal Standards teach this: See the Westminster Shorter Catechism Question 35, Larger Catechism 75. The Holy Spirit applies the benefits of the life and death of Christ to our hearts in ever increasing fashion resulting in the supernatural transformation of our lives. One difference between justification and sanctification is that sanctification occurs in varying degrees while there are no degrees to justification...we are fully justified from the moment we believe, but we are progressively sanctified each day as we walk in repentance and faith.

9. Sanctification occurs as we believe the Gospel (Galatians 3:1-5, Colossians 2:6, John 6:29, Isaiah 30:15, etc). Sanctification occurs as we learn to WALTZ--the spiritual "3-step" dance with Christ of "Repent! Believe! Fight!" There are ups and downs, ebbs and flows to the spiritual life. Growth begins with repentance: acknowledging our sin and helplessness before God. We can no more change ourselves by sheer effort and discipline than we could save ourselves by sheer effort and discipline. But we must not stop at repentance or we will wallow in despair. Repentance must lead to fresh faith. We are to BELIEVE the Gospel Promises afresh that our standing before God never changes because of our sin. Through union with Christ we are unchangeably justified before God and eternally adopted sons and daughters. We can do nothing to cause God to love us more than He already does in Christ; and we can do nothing that would ever cause God to love us any less than He loves Christ Himself (John 17:23!!).
It is AS we BELIEVE these promises that the Power of the Spirit is unleashed in our lives (Galatians 3:5). This is what it means to ABIDE in Christ--we abide by faith...grace apprehended by faith strengthens our union with the Branch, Christ, so that His life-giving "sap" courses through our lives with transforming power. We are to BELIEVE that just as there is a "converting" power to the blood of Christ that saves us from hell, so there is a transforming power of the blood that delivers us progressively from the power of sin. As the old hymn, Rock of Ages, reminds us: the blood of Christ provides the DOUBLE CURE: it cleanses us from both sin's guilt AND power! Then, equipped with fresh faith and reminded of reality of our regeneration, we are to FIGHT the good fight and WAR against the world the flesh and the devil. We are to renounce the flesh and present our lives to righteousness. Then, if/when we fail, we continue waltzing!

10. We Do NOT arrive this side of eternity. There is NO ARRIVALISM, NO TRIUMPHALISM. Waltzing doesn't FIX us! Waltzing is how broken, limping sinners saved by grace are progressively becoming whole and healthy...but we are not completely healed until the Return of Christ. Grace enables us, empowers us and motivates us to persevere in faith so that grace by the Power of the Holy Spirit will continually transform us.

"Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in BELIEVING, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may about in hope!"
Romans 15:13

Bob Flayhart
Senior Pastor
Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church

Thursday, June 11, 2009

AT 6-10

From: Hugh Davis []
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 8:38 PM
Subject: AT 6-10
June 10, 09

Greetings from the AT:

I have been away from the Internet for a while now. Staying tonight in an ATC hostel 20 miles south of Harpers Ferry.

Sunday 5-24. Left the B&B in Montebello Va, reluctantly, to hike a mile and a half up hill to reacquire the AT. Had eaten a large breakfast and had great energy to reach the trail and then on up hill to the top of Priest Mt. 13.2 miles, 825 miles from Springer Mt. Stopped at Harpers Creek Shelter.

Monday 5-25 12.2 miles 837.7 from Springer Next day was miserable.
Day was hot and muggy with threats of rain all day. When the AT was built it ran along the top of most of the ridges. Then a few years later the Blue Ridge Parkway was constructed and bumped the AT off the ridge tops. Today was an excellent example of the relocation. The trail ran down hill from the parkway about a 100 feet on very steep ground with major rocks and boulders for about 5 miles. I had planned to go about 6 miles but the quality of the trail was so poor I was moving slowly. Was quickly getting dark and I was running out of water.
Found a creek to resupply water, but no flat place to put my tent.
Finally found an overlook that had a spot for a tent. Camped there, whiled it stormed and rained all night. Hung my food in the bear bag out over the cliff. Would take a talented bear to get to it. Cedar Cliff for the night.

Tues 5-26. 9.8 miles 847.5 from Springer. Stopped at the Paul Wolfe shelter, very nice and large.

Was about 5 miles from Waynesboro, so not to many people spending the night. I walked in a deluge most of the day. All the paths were creeks, all the creeks were rivers, all the rivers were swollen and overflowing. The access to Paul Wolfe required a stream crossing. The stream was overflowing so I balanced on a tree that had fallen across the stream to make the crossing. Exciting, if I had fallen in it would have been a wild ride with no one knowing I was gone. Everything I had was wet. Learned the value of Ziplock bags. Took my phone apart and took it to bed with me. In the morning with a fresh battery it worked well.

Wed. 5-27 Walked the final 5 miles to Waynesboro, 853. 5 miles from springer. They have a visitors center for Shenandoah Nat. Park.
Stopped there where they have a list of Trail Angels who they call to shuttle us in to town. Guy named Dubose picked me up and took me the the Quality Inn. Showered and then took all the wet stuff to the nearby laundromat. Then to the post office to get my Bounce Box of misc. stuff, prescription meds extra food, etc. Went to the shopping center across the street for Pizza and supplies at the local CVS. Expensive day

Thurs 5 – 28 Back to the post office to mail my bounce box to Harpers Ferry. Then called Dubose to take me back up to the trail. Stopped at the local outfitter for some permethrin impregnated gaiters to wear.
Was shifting from high top boots to low cut trail shoes and needed a little more protection from splashes, mud, rocks and ticks. Walked to
Calf Mt. Shelter, only 6.9 miles 859.4 from springer. Started back
walking at noon. Rained on and off all afternoon. I was very discouraged. While I was eating sardines and Ramen noodles Di and the family were having steak. Didn't seem like I was having as much fun as I was supposed to. Called Di to relate my woes and she said “so sad to bad,” this was my idea and I was stuck with it at least till my grandsons have walked with me. Surprisingly she cheered me up and off I went picking up speed as I went. Continue to run into interesting hikers. Zoltar, is a Hungarian from Romania. Eats nothing but Candy bars. Thinks the stove is to heavy.

Friday 5 -29 13.5 miles, 872.4 from springer. Walked to the Black Rock Hut, Miserable place. Down in a hollow. Had been raining all day so was really muggy. Shelter was packed, 25 + in the area, shelter and tents. Everything was wet and dripping.

Sat. 5-30, 7.4 miles, 879.8 miles from Springer. Hiked to Loft Mt.
Campground. Logan was supposed to meet me today, but he got in so late from Birmingham that we decided to wait till Sunday so he could find me in the daylight. I was in an official campground in Shenandoah National park, SNP. Got half off since I am so old. Cheers for us old folks.
Shared a camp table with a couple from Birmingham, Knox and Sam. Went
to the ranger lecture that night on what is special about SNP. Camden
is 8 today, gave him a call.

Sunday 5-31, 5.8 miles, 885.6 miles Walked to Pinefield Hut.

Logan arrived at 9:30. Was driven up from Biloxi, by Katie a friend of Jenny's that was moving to the Charlottesville area. She agreed to mail a box of extra things home to Di for us. Walked a short day to see how Logan could handle hiking. He did fine. Met Aussie, a W. Va hillbilly, Laid off steel worker who writes country songs. Nice kid.

Monday 6-1, 8.2 miles, 893.8 miles from Springer.

Walked to High Top Hut. Was packed out with weekend and short term hikers. 9 from a local James Madison College on a mini term break.
Logan went with them to the top of the local mountain to see the sunset.
Pretty impressive view.

Tues 6-2, 12.4 miles, 906.2 miles from Springer. Walked to Bear Fence Mt. Hut. Passed the 900 mile mark that day. This was the first day that I was able to walk the hills without stopping. Did fairly well.
Hopefully will get my trail legs soon. Stopped at the Pocosin Locked Cabin. No water, no electricity, outdoor privy. Have to have a connection with the PATC to use it. Owned and operated by the Potomac
Appalachian Trail Club. Looked straight out of the 20's. Met Rock
Lobster, girl from Germany and Walk About from Czech Republic, They were returning to Europe via the AT from 10 years in New Zealand.
Interesting couple. Also Traveling Light, Pudgie Pie, and Sled dog.

Wed. 6-3 8 miles, 914.2 miles from Springer.

Walked to Big Meadow Campground. Was a nice fairly easy day till the last mile which seemed to be straight up hill. Logan was hiking with a different group so checked in to the campground. He showed up later.
We had not done a good job on coordinating our activities. Showered and washed clothes. Smell better. Walked to the Camp store about a mile away to get supplies for the next few days and for lunch., then back up to the campsite. When we arrived at the campsite the rangers came and got us to see some bears. While waiting for Logan, a doe and two fawns had walked through the campground. The rangers said the the doe had bedded the fawns down. They stay put where mom puts them. Momma bear and two cubs came upon one of the fawns killed her and ate her. This was about a 100 yards from our campsite and less from the lodge. Storm was coming in so went to the lodge for supper. Good food, mediocre wait staff. The storm hit with fury, Hail and heavy wind. Back to the camp after the storm and the tent was still standing. Cheers. Went back to the laundry the next morning to dry sleeping bags and gear that had gotten wet during the storm.

Thurs 6-4, 8.1 miles 924.3 miles from Springer.

Walked to Skyland Lodge. Had not expected to stay, but accompanied a friend that was leaving the trail to drink coffee from him while he waited for someone to pick him up. Logan's knee was acting up. He had injured it earlier in school and was wearing a brace so we got a room for the night. Ate supper in the lounge and watched c loggers perform.
Spent lots on the room, but much cheaper supper.

Friday 6-5 10.7 miles, 933.8 miles from Springer.

Walked to Pass Mt. Shelter. We ate breakfast in the room before checking out of the lodge. Used the in room coffee maker to heat water
for our oatmeal. Walked in the rain most of the day. Had used lots of
plastic bags so stayed a little dryer this time. We didn't stop for lunch so ran out of energy in the afternoon. Big mistake. Doing better climbing hill, Trail Legs, maybe, or just easy hills, who knows.

Sat. 6-6, 13.5 miles, 946.1 from Springer

Walked to Gravel Springs Hut. Longest day yet for Logan. Day started cloudy, but got warm and sunny as we progressed. Logan slipped and fell several times on wet rocks, Injured his Left foot, to go along with his Right Knee. We stopped at Elk Wallow Wayside for hamburgers and then walked on. Saw lot more bears, and cubs that afternoon. Met a ridge runner, John, 60 year old back from the Peace Corp. They work for the ATC.

Sun 6-7 10.7 miles 956.6 miles from Springer

Walked to Tom Floyd Wayside. First shelter outside of the SNP. Logan's knee brace quit. It is the kind with metal on both side of the knee that have hinges held together with neoprene. One side got so stiff it wouldn't bend. Mailed it back to Sean for repairs. Rock Lobster loaned him an elastic knee brace that he has been wearing since. Works pretty good.

Mon. 6-8, 13.7 miles, 970.3 miles

Walked to Manassas Gap Shelter. Miserable day.. Hot and muggy, Humidity 100%. Walked in to Linton to resupply, dropped off Logan's brace at the post office. Then walked toward an Apple Restaurant, Decided it was to far so turned around and got a ride back from a PATC volunteer. Ended up taking us to the local bait shop/filling station/ grocery to resupply. Manassas is a snake shelter. While we were eating supper an 8 foot long black snake wandered through the eating area, them climbed up to the top log in the back wall of the shelter. Not having shelter mice was a treat, though being observed as we slept by an 8 foot snake was a new experience. We shared the shelter with a family of 4.
The two kids didn't seem to worried about the snake.

Tues 6-9 13.5 miles, 983.2 miles from Springer

Walked to Rod Hollow Shelter. Afternoon thunder storm soaked us. Full shelter of 20 year olds. Little noisy. Thanks for ear plugs. We are getting tired. To many long days. Muscles sore, feet blistered, skin looking like prunes from the water.

Wed. 6-10 9.9 miles, 993.1 miles from Springer.

Will go over 1000 miles tomorrow. Walked to Bears Den Hostel, owned and operated by the Appalachian Trail conference. Tough 10 miles. We are in the Roller Coaster area of north Virginia. 10 climbs in the last
13.5 miles of the state. Did 8 of the hills today, have two more tomorrow. They really wore me out. Lots of moaning, groaning and complaining, will take a 10 mile day tomorrow also. Heavy downpour again this afternoon, but after we arrived at the shelter. Cheers.
Shower, Clothes wash, bed, pizza, pint of ben and jerry's ice cream and soda for $25 each. Good deal we thought. A group of trail angels cooked pot roast for us for supper, free. Will cook out pizza in the morning and take it to eat on the trail tomorrow. Plan to be in Harpers Ferry on Friday. Will take a zero day on Sat and start out again on Sunday. Give our tired muscles a break.

All the news for now. Remember: Some days it rains, some days it pours, some day it is sunny, but walk is what the AT hiker does. Can't get there by sitting here.

In his Care, Grandpa Hugh.