Monday, June 11, 2007

Thoughts on Revelation

Lee Meadows just finished up his discourse on the book of Revelation Sunday. This was an interesting review of an even more interesting book--Revelation. I have a better appreciation of the book now, especially after Lee said he reads it devotionally. He does that because it gives him hope--it is a book of hope. What a hope we have!!!

Here is a synopsis of what I took away from this study:

  • Read it devotionally
  • There are 7 cycles, the same story is repeated 7 times
  • Revelations is symbolic
  • The Sea represents people and languages
  • The Woman represents the World
  • We are persecuted in the West by 'materialism' Materialism cuts us off from intimacy with Chirst and our brothers and sisters
  • Jesus rides a white horse
  • the 7 seals seal the scroll of history

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