Sunday, September 28, 2008

Commendation for the Thomasons

September 24, 2008

Phil Chambers
Missions Pastor
Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church

Dear Phil and the OMPC Missions Committee,

Greetings from Uganda!

We are very, very grateful for the labors of Gordon and Sally Thomason in Uganda over this past year. Sally has done a wonderful job at the Zana Clinic, caring for nurses and patients. She has also been a big servant to the construction project by being a good wife to Gordon and by keeping him healthy and able to work so diligently. Both invested heavily in the singles ministry at Zana Community Presbyterian Church and cared much for the singles. Gordon’s labors as our campus construction project manager are much appreciated. He has been an immense resource, a wise builder and has made numerous and significant contributions to the project. He has been a key factor in the high quality of our seven buildings and in their construction happening in a timely fashion, allowing us to open our new campus. We are grateful to Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church for your partnership with us, for sending the Thomasons to us, and for Gordon and Sally’s willingness to come to Uganda and to labor in a self-sacrificing manner here for so many months.

Again, we are grateful for the contributions of the Thomasons and OMPC to the new campus and we are confident that their, your and our labors, by God’s grace, will together build Christ’s Bride and advance His kingdom here in Uganda and Africa.

In Christ,

and on behalf of the Westminster Theological College Faculty,

Emma Kiwanuka
Dave Eby

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