Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Waltz King

The Waltz King = Jesus Christ  
Titus 2:11-15;3:8 
Nov21, 2010 

We think god obligated and we want God to reward us based on performance.   

First half of the pipeline deals with religiosity, ie, grace is it not works or performance but by the finished work of Christ.  Obedient life and substitutionary death of Christ for us.  We  show gratitude by living for God by his empowerment.  Nothing we can do howe ver, to mar the righteousness we have been give.  Then, why do anything some say.  Just to go the hot tub, relax and enjoy.  We can get in the hot tub.  We proclaim grace because we do not want to put people under las.   

Second half of the pipeline focuses on grace as transforming power.  in the movie, As good as it Gets The Jack Lemon character makes a statement that you make me want to be a better man.   We can say to God your grace and love make me want to be a better man or woman.  The KEY is that the christian life is a supernatural life.  The question is how to experience it? 

We move to the Incursion step of the pipeline.  an Incursion is an invasion against sin in our lives.  How we do that is by waltzing with the Waltz King, Jesus.  Not Johann Strauss. 

REPENT  see Titus 2:15: rebuke , II Tim 3:16, rebuke, correct, 4:2, rebuke, II Cor 7:10, I John 1:9, give a sense of wrong doing.  What is repent?  admit it, sorrowful for it, exclaim I am helpless, do not hide, come to God openly w/o fear.  This allows us to begin to change.  Repent is for all Christians all the time.  How do we do It?   Thru prayer.  That's how David did it. Ps 51.   

BELIEVE, Titus 3:8, Mk 1:15, repent, believe.  What are the Works of God?  Jesus said 1 work and that is to believe.  Keep on Keeping on believing.  Titus 3:7 revisit first half of the pipeline through repentance.  Hot tub soothes away sins - jp.  v. 5-6  Once repented, then appropriate the  renewing power of the Holy Spirit.  He gave an example of believe in the Bronze Serpent of the children in the wilderness.   Jesus was raised on a pole in like manner. 

FIGHT  Titus 2:12, I Tim 6:12, I Peter 2:11  Battle the lies of the Devil.   I have a new desire and a new heart.  I have the Holy Spirit, I can say "No."  Romans 8:13  Christ is our dancing partner.  Jesus will show us how to tap his power. 

Bob's Example of himself:   He sins by lying, breaking the 9th commandment because he is breaking the 2nd and the 1st commands already.  After realizing he has lied he goes into self condemnation and then to the hot but.  Finally fight against lying, facing rejection head on, be willing to allow people to not like me.  Then face disapproval and face his sin.  Start waltzing again. 

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