Monday, March 16, 2009

Hugh Davis on the Appalachian Trail: 5

From: Hugh Davis []
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 10:23 AM
To: Diane Davis
Subject: AT-5

Greetings from Franklin TN. 108 miles from Springer Mt. the southern terminis.

I last wrote from Hiawassee, GA. Di, Jeremiah, and Dean Tanner dropped me off back on the trail at the Tray Mt. rd. crossing. Jeremiah and i had walked down the road about 4 miles to meet them the day before.
I walked 8.6 miles to Deep Gap Shelter for the night, then a quick 3.5 miles in the morning to Dicks Gap. Back to spend another night at the Hiawasee Inn and to pick up my food for the 40 miles to Franklin. New group of hikers, Whitey from Ankorage AK, Radio Freq from St. Paul, Groovey from Calif., Andy from Baltimore, L-train from Boston, Spielberg from Mass, Broadcast from Charlotte, Brickyard from Indian. Maggie from Berkley,

3-12, shuttle back to the trail. Walked 9 1/2 hours to Muskrat Creek Shelter about 3 miles in to North Carolina. 11.9 miles. Tented near the shelter. Most of the hikers are 45 years younger than me and can do the distance in about 4-5 hours, takes me twice as long. I am really tired when I get there. Were at 5500 feet elevation, higher than Denver.

Was supposed to rain but was just foggy with a light mist.

3-13 On the Carter Gap Shelters, 12.2 miles, Walked from 830 till 630pm. There are two shelters at that point and old and a new, both look old, Got a slot in the shelter so didn't have to erect the tent. Rained most of the night. The 5 Divas were there, 5 girls who met on internet hiking sites. Decided to hike the AT, Got together for a couple of trial shorter hikes and then hit the trail. 3 are from the NY area and 2 from Florida, but did not know each other before this trip.
Trail names of Rocket, Loon, Egghead, Storm.

3-14 Walked to rock gap shelter 12.1 miles. Went over MT. Albert. A rock pinnacle, had to use hands and feet to climb it. Rained all day, but not bad walking, Boots in mud most of the time. This past week has been spring break for many of the area schools so had a number of kids hiking for the week. Also on the weekends have another group of hikers out just for a couple of days.
Again I got a slot in the shelter. It poured all night.

3-14 short walk over a tall mountain to US 64 at winding stair gap, then shuttle to town to the Haven Budget Inn. Showered, washed clothes, really stink after a couple of days on the trail. Ron Haven took us to walmart, the outfitters and the grocery store. Talked him in to a quick stop at sonic for lunch even though it was 3 pm. I was too fuzzy to think straight, bought a few things, but had to recreate a shopping list later last night for today. Staying clean on the trail is almost impossible when it is cold. Normal trail dirt plus my post prostate surgery issues makes it extra difficult. I try to avoid getting close to people till I get clean and washed.

Went to a chain restaurant for supper, too expensive for very often, but good.

Staying with Smily Mike Douillard from Colorado Springs.

My emotions are all over the place. The hills kill me, I am painfully slow. The mountains are painflully tall. I think if I had hired a personal trainer to get me in shape and he had laid out this regimine for me I would have killed him days ago.
I spend the days trying to think up reasons to come home without being embarressed, So far only a broken leg, heart attack, stroke seem feasible and I am saving them for later. Supposed to take 6 weeks to get your trail legs, I have 4 to go. My room mate asked my why I was walking the AT, I couldn't give him a cogent reason.

The social interaction at the shelters in the evenings helps ease some of the discouragement and fatigue. So far I have only seen couple of people older than me, and they are faster also. Have to be satisfied with being able to just continue to walk, and worry about how many miles I travel in 4 weeks.

Taking a zero day today, will leave in the morning. 3 days to NOC at Wesser NC. then another 3 days to Fontana Dam, then 5-6 more to New Found Gap and the road to Gatlinberg. Di may meet me there for a day or two.

Can't buy groceries at fontana so am buying groc. for the Smokies here and mailing them to myself at Fontana. Will get that done to day.

Continue to pray for my mental attitude, physical strength and fortitude. All are less than needed. I appreciate your continuing prayers for safety and health.

Other than general wear and tear I am holding up well.

More next time I get to a computer.

Grandpa Hugh

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