Thursday, March 12, 2009

Where is Hugh now?

From: Hugh Davis []
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 6:37 PM
Subject: AT 4

Monday April 9 Hiawassee, GA.

We are off the trail for the night.

Jeremiah has to go back to work on Wed. so Di drove up to pick him up. Dean Tanner, our friend from church life group came with her to help drive and navigate the forest service roads.

Go back to last Friday. We were at Walasi-Yi hostel at Neel’s Gap GA. As I last wrote I had been having difficulty with my general stamina but more specific with my hip abductor muscles. We were struggling to make any time at all as I had to stop and rest ever 100 feet or so, regardless of going uphill, level or downhill.

At the hostel the staff of the outfitter store worked with us to decrease our pack weight. Jeremiah and I had already decided I did not need about 5# of stuff, The outfitter recommended we eliminate another 3 pounds, and we then decided to buy a lighter tent. Now have a Black Diamond mega light Tepee style tent at 1# 7oz, and sent the 5+# sierra Design tent home. All together dropped my pack weight down from 47# to 35#. Part of the weight drop was decreasing the amount of water from 3 liters at 6.6# to one liter at 2.2#. Dropping that amount of weight doesn’t sound like much but it had a miraculous effect on me. Now I get tired and have to stop to catch my breath on climbs, but can do level and downhill without stopping. This morning I walked a major hill without any stops at all. That is an accomplishment for me.

If I can continue I should be able to increase my daily distance from 7-8 up to 9-10 without any problem. As my general stamina continues to increase I hope to be able to be in the 15 mile range with a few weeks.

After leaving Neel’s gap we did a 8.5 mile day stopping at strawberry Top, then a 10 mile day to Blue Mt. shelter, then a shorter day but one with major climbs of 1000+ feet through Unicoi Gap. We stopped after a short day of 5.5 miles at the site of an old cheese factory. We could have gone farther but we were a mile from the last access road for the next 18 miles and we needed to be where Di and Dean could get to us. Walked up the mountain without stopping to the end of the road and then walked about 4-5 miles down the road till we met them coming up.

Got in to Hiawassee about 3. Showered, left our clothes for washing. We spread out our gear out, making sure that I had what I needed as Jeremiah was leaving with his gear. Decided what we needed in additional food stuff, then to an all you can eat diner, then to grocery store for food items. And back to the hotel. Got things sorted out, repacked my pack. And packed my bounce box. That is a box that has things you need occasionally, but not daily, like extra clothes, extra meds. Food, zip lock bags, books. You mail it ahead a week or so to some place you plan to stay and it is there waiting when you arrive.

We have met many interesting people. Jerry is a 45 YO unemployed high school physics teacher from New York, Two teen age girls who finished high school early to walk the trail. We have helped them several times over the past 10 days adjusting their packs, repairing broken straps. Met a benefit design Blue Cross 30 year old from Columbia SC who is single and spends his off time hiking, skiing, Does about 15 miles a day. Met 3 girls in their thirties hiking with their Springer spaniel dog with their father coming along behind from Ohio. Met a retired army guy introducing his new wife to long distance hiking. Talks to her constantly like she is 5. Interesting combination. Husband and wife from north Ga in their middle 50, who have hiked before, they make good time and have good gear. Tom from Minneapolis is recently retired and doing well. Has increased his speed over the few days we have been walking from 6 to10 miles per day. He will probably leave us behind.

Jeremiah is through and heading home. I have a little separation anxiety. He has been a great help, sounding board and problem solver for me. I will miss him.

I am thinking of doing a flip flop hike. Will continue north till the first of July, then go to Mt. Kathadin, in Maine, the northern terminus and hike south. That will eliminate the risk of early winter in Maine and New Hampshire white mountains, and miss the summer heat of Pennsylvania. Don’t know yet if I will do it, as it will depend on my speed.

Out of time now. I will be back on the trail in the morning hike for two days, stop for resupply in two days, then have 6 days to Franklin NC.

Please continue to pray and encourage Di as she mans the home fort alone.

Grandpa Hugh, on the trail.

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